Potential Earnings
We make every effort to drive interested traffic to Friends of Texas. Your status as a Friend of Texas may result in sales benefitting you as a result of our efforts.
We make no assurances that this will happen.
The following table depicts what your qualified Texas organization can earn for each sale from both our marketing efforts and your own:
There is a 40% overall remittance to either the “Friend of Texas” or to the “Friend of Texas” and the referring affiliate.
If you choose, you may decline to accept affiliate status. If you do, then the full 40% will be paid to the designated Friend of Texas. Declining affiliate status means you will not be compensated for the initial induction or for subsequent purchases made through their Friend of Texas link.
If you choose to become an affiliate, you will earn the indicated amount on all current and future purchases made through your referred entity. These earnings will accrue whether sales are made through our efforts or your direct efforts.
You’re encouraged to become an affiliate. If you know of one qualified Texas organization that could benefit from our system, you probably know many. It’s customary and proper to receive compensation for your efforts. The new Friend of Texas will undoubtedly be happy that you made the effort.
There is no cost to become an affiliate.
For additional Affiliate Information – Click Here
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