Great Texas Fundraiser operates a lucrative affiliate program. Our products and procedures afford you an opportunity to earn both immediate and recurring income. The potential is tremendous. Your diligent efforts now could contribute to you and your family’s well-being for the rest of their lives.
We’re looking for dedicated individuals willing to communicate the benefits of Great Texas Fundraiser to Texas Churches, Texas Schools, Texas Clubs, and Texas Non-profits. Any qualifying organization is permitted to avail themselves of our significant resources including being designated as a “Friend of Texas.” When an organization is designated as a “Friend of Texas” that entity takes full advantage of our exclusive 360-degree year round marketing system. Your efforts to introduce Texas Organizations to Great Texas Fundraiser could earn you a commission from 100% of their supporters.
When you work with us to place a qualified Texas organization into our system, you’re compensated every time a sale is made benefitting them.
There is no cost to participate in our affiliate program. Examine all the details at Affinity Marketing. To begin earning: Click Here!