If you’re a capable communicator, Great Texas Fundraiser may help mitigate or eliminate your student debt.
To be eligible to earn, you must become an affiliate. It is free to become an affiliate. To begin: Click Here
Our Product:
Our product is The Native Texan Hall of Fame. There you will Extol, Edify, and Encourage those who support you and those you support.
We induct qualified nominees into The Hall when an applicant supports one of our existing fundraising partners.
The inductee will receive an exclusive web presence in The Hall as well as an elegant certificate and/or plaque memorializing the honor.
I inducted my Son into The Hall when he was born in 2003. To see a typical entry: Click Here
To Get Started:
To get started, you must support One (1) existing fundraising client (1) One time. That is your only expense.
Current clients are depicted in “Friends of Texas.” When you support (1) Friend (1) time, you’re permitted to nominate one qualified Texas Organization as a Friend of Texas as well as a person to be inducted into The Hall.
While not required, it’s not uncommon for the person purchasing the gift to cede the right to nominate the qualified Texas organization to the inductee. Permitting the inductee to name the subsequent beneficiary is always appreciated by that person. It also adds additional value to the award.
Once your organization is nominated and accepted, it’s placed alongside other Friends. Your qualified organization is then eligible to benefit financially from our ongoing marketing and promotional efforts. Our efforts are in addition to whatever marketing you do on your own.
To select a current “Friend of Texas” to support. Click Here
What Happens When Your Organization is a Friend of Texas:
When your qualified Texas organization is a Friend of Texas, it’s incorporated into our marketing system. Just as you selected an existing “Friend of Texas” to begin, someone may choose your organization.
Our ongoing efforts are in addition to your personal and/or organizational efforts to market Great Texas Fundraiser to others interested in supporting your organization. For example, if you’re a church, club, or professional organization, those members may well want to support that organization
When your qualified organization is a “Friend of Texas,” you’ll promote the link. Our ongoing marketing efforts will supplement your efforts to communicate, market, or collaborate with like-minded people.
It’s truly a win-win for everyone.
Our Marketing Efforts:
We do a lot to help inform people of the benefits of Great Texas Fundraiser. Every sale we make is through an existing “Friend of Texas.” The Friend they select will benefit financially from the purchase. The beneficiary could be the organization you placed. That will result in a remittance to the organization and a commission to you.
We continually seek new clients through many advanced marketing techniques. Some people are approached directly for our fundraising services and presented with the same exemplary system you see here.
Others are captured through our “Retail Sales System” driven by our exclusive traffic aggregator, LottoCentral.com. Using LottoCentral.com, we communicate four times each week to a growing list of eager participants. To learn more about how LottoCentral.com compounds your personal marketing efforts, Click Here.
We maintain other web properties permitting us to take advantage of specific holidays and events. Should a purchase be made through any of these properties, it will directly benefit an existing “Friend of Texas.” That Friend could be your qualified Texas organization.
These properties are:
- TexasDads.com
- TexasMoms.com
- NativeTexan.com
- TexasLeaders.com
- TexasBirthday.com
- TexasBabyGifts.com
- FriendsofTexas.com
- ChristianCharity.com
- TexasValentines.com
- TexasClassrooms.com
- HonorTexasPolice.com
- NativeTexanHallofFame.com
To enjoy the significant benefits delivered by our comprehensive system, you need only nominate someone for induction into The Native Texan Hall of Fame. To do that, you must select an existing Friend of Texas to benefit from your purchase.
Once you’ve done so, you’re permitted to nominate your qualified Texas organization as a Friend of Texas. From that point forward, your Texas organization will benefit from both your direct efforts and the 24/7 marketing system provided by Great Texas Fundraiser. Both the organization and the affiliate will earn a commission with each purchase.
To support an existing Friend of Texas and request admission to The Hall and nominate a qualified Texas organization: Click Here
To become an affiliate and earn: Click Here